Sara Budzik


Hi, I'm Sara, 

I live on the edge of a Nottinghamshire village overlooking a sheep field with my husband, kids & pets! I can't start the day without a cuppa from my treasured bialetti! No matter what, I never fail to look up at the skies with awe and wonder. We live on an amazing planet and I try as much as possible to do my bit to respect & preserve it. I'm really a big kid at heart who has no intension of growing up, let alone growing old! Oh, yes - I'm kind-of obsessed with circles and snails! They are both long stories. My grandparents were Polish and went through an awful lot in their lives. I was therefore too proud of my name to give it up when I got married.

I like to make things from clay. And I like to share the things I make with others. I work in my peaceful and serene little studio space at the back of my house where I am able to play around with clay and contemplate existence whilst listening to the radio! And often letting my coffee go cold as I work! I'd rather be by the sea - but that's another story.

I didn't train as a potter so I pretty much make it up as I go along based on little gems of knowledge I've gained along the way. I found pottery, or rather pottery found me when I became an art teacher. It got under my skin and prompted me to ditch the teaching and try to change my life! So here I am.

I love working with clay because of the tactile sensory focus that hand-building demands - it makes me feel alive. I hope some experience of tangible reality translates from the finished pieces to you the audience. It is a gift from my hands to yours.

Thank you for taking notice. If you have any questions or special requests please don't hesitate to contact me.

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